Our students are at the heart of everything we do. We work hard to ensure they have an amazing experience with us and love it when they take the time to give us feedback on their time at Leading Edge Aviation! Here are just a few quotes from some of our students past and present.
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We have four Diamond Twin Star DA42’s. Two are the latest DA42 VIs (one is fresh from the factory), and the others are TDIs and NGs. These twin-engined aircraft are ideal to fly when training and offer student commercial pilots the very latest in technology, safety, and performance.
Each of our four-seater DA42s is equipped with advanced avionics, two-axis autopilot, G1000 flight instrumentation (EFIS) and Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). The aircraft’s efficient engines, performance, stability, handling characteristics and ease of operation are second to none, giving trainee pilots the ideal environment for advanced commercial flight training.
Our Slingsby Firefly is the T67M variant, which served with the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, and remains in that unique colour scheme, fitted with a 200HP engine. This superb training aircraft is used to teach Advanced Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (AUPRT).
Diamond Aircraft DA42
Our newest simulator, which came direct from Diamond Aircraft is located at our dedicated Simulator facility, Hangar 18 – close to the academy.
It’s an exact replica of the Diamond DA42, the twin-engined aircraft you’ll fly in. It’s fixed-base, and Diamond flight simulators are built with authentic aircraft parts, with real avionics, high-end visuals and OEM flight dynamic models for fidelity that is simply unsurpassed. The instrument panel is fitted with the Garmin G1000 NXi avionics suite and standby instruments, allowing you to train in a completely realistic environment. The simulator is at the cutting edge of the industry, meaning you’ll receive the most sophisticated sim training in preparation for advanced flight training.
ALSIM Diamond DA42
The ALSIM AL42 simulator is located at our Sim Centre at Glenmore Business Park, close to the academy.
It’s fixed-base, built using genuine aircraft parts and is also equipped with the latest Garmin G1000NXi avionics suite. It also comes with the latest generation visual system, GFC 700 autopilot and PBN/LPV capabilities.
Airbus A320
For the final phase of your course, the three week APS MCC (Airline Pilot Standards Multi-Crew Cooperation), you will complete your training in our new MPS Airbus A320 FTD-1 simulator. The Airbus simulator is an immersive training experience that will help you prepare for your future career in aviation.